Healthy Hydration

Armley parkrun

PARTNERS / parkrun / Armley parkrun

16th February 2024

iPRO Spreads Love and Hydration at Armley parkrun to Celebrate Valentine's Day

iPRO, the Global Hydration Partner of parkrun, celebrated Valentine's Day in a unique and healthy way by joining the Armley parkrun on Saturday, February 10th. The event marked the 222nd gathering at Armley, with approximately 150 runners lacing up their shoes for the occasion.

At the heart of the event, iPRO set up a hydration station at the finish line, offering runners a refreshing boost after their 5K journey. Volunteers were also equipped with reusable iPRO bottles, emphasising sustainability in their commitment to health and the environment.

The day wasn't just about physical hydration; iPRO brought a heartwarming touch to Armley parkrun with Valentine's Day-themed decorations, featuring love hearts along the course with motivational messages. The atmosphere was electric, with runners and volunteers alike eager to participate in interviews and photo opportunities.

Laura Walker, Brand Representative at iPRO, expressed her joy at being part of the event, stating, "It was great to attend Armley parkrun and spread the love with our healthy hydration. The team had a fantastic time engaging with the community and promoting the importance of staying hydrated."

The festive spirit extended beyond the run, as iPRO’s partner Leeds Beckett Women's Rugby brought the team along for pre-game fitness, fostering a sense of camaraderie and fitness within the community.

Armley parkrunners shared their thoughts on why they love participating:

- "I love parkrun because of the community; I am a keen parkrun tourist."

- "Retired from competitive running, parkrun gives me something to do on a Saturday, and it's a great way to see the country."

- "Everybody coming together on a Saturday morning, positive people getting together. Favourite part of my week.

- "I moved away from home and didn't know anyone, but I’ve met a lot of new people at parkrun."

- "I discovered parkrun and it allowed me to get back into running without the pressure of a running club."

- "Started off as something to do, and now it's become a habit, 603 runs later I recommend everyone to do it; it's great!

- "My mum was diagnosed with cancer; the worse her diagnosis got, the more parkrun meant to me. Half an hour away from troubles."

parkrunners were refreshed with iPRO Hydrate’s low sugar, caffeine free products after participating in Saturday’s parkrun, enabling them to top up their vitamin intake ahead of the weekend. Packaged in fully recyclable bottles that use 30% recycled plastic, iPRO Hydrate was well received by the parkrunners.

For a glimpse into the vibrant and heartwarming day, check out the video here.

To order iPRO Hydrate direct to your door, head to the parkrun shop to place your order today!

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