Healthy Hydration

Kendal Calling 2023

PARTNERS / Live Events / Kendal Calling 2023

9th August 2023

Kendal Calling 2023: iPRO Shines as Official Hydration Partner

Kendal Calling 2023, the highly anticipated music and arts festival, witnessed a roaring success with iPRO Hydrate as the Official Hydration Partner. The event, held from July 27th to July 30th, showcased the perfect fusion of entertainment and wellness, leaving festival-goers refreshed and energized.

iPRO made a splash at the event by offering its range of hydration beverages for sale across various catering units on the festival grounds. Attendees were delighted to discover the iPRO team conducting flash sampling at catering units located both on the campsites and within the bustling main arena. This allowed festival-goers to taste the goodness of iPRO Hydrate while immersing themselves in the festivities.

The highlight of the partnership was undoubtedly the iPRO Hydration Zone, which emerged as a hub of fun and wellness activities. Festival attendees flocked to the zone to engage in exciting games, such as karaoke and spin-the-wheel, where they had the chance to win coveted prizes including trendy bucket hats and biodegradable water bottles. Moreover, the zone offered iPRO Hydrate and iPRO Student beverages for sale, ensuring that everyone could stay hydrated and refreshed.

The iPRO team also rewarded festival-goers for their engagement and commitment to recycling. Attendees were encouraged to participate in recycling initiatives at the Hydration Zone, fostering a culture of environmental consciousness among the festival community. Those who actively participated in recycling efforts were acknowledged and appreciated for their contribution to sustainability.

One of the festival's most exhilarating moments was the iPRO Wild Run, held on the final day, Sunday, July 30th. The iPRO Wild Run brought together fitness enthusiasts and casual joggers alike for a fun-filled run, jog, or walk around the festival site. Participants reveled in the unique experience of exploring the festival grounds while promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

"We are thrilled to have been part of Kendal Calling 2023 as the Official Hydration Partner," said iPRO’s Global Commercial Director, Sophie Christy. "Our mission has always been to promote a healthier and more sustainable way of life, and this partnership allowed us to connect with a vibrant community of music and art lovers. The iPRO Hydration Zone became a gathering point for festival-goers to not only quench their thirst but to also make memories with family and friends."

Kendal Calling 2023 proved to be a resounding success with iPRO Hydrate as the Official Hydration Partner. By integrating wellness initiatives with the festival's vibrant atmosphere, iPRO demonstrated its commitment to fostering a positive and enriching experience for all attendees. The event left a lasting impression on festival-goers, who departed with memories of great music, art, and a newfound appreciation for the importance of hydration and sustainability.