Healthy Hydration


News Industry How to Drink Healthy Over Christmas


22nd December 2021

How to Drink Healthy Over Christmas

As more of us choose to reduce our alcohol consumption this Christmas, we're left searching for mindful ways to drink whilst still enjoying the festivities. Here, we’ve gathered some simple tips for drinking merrily whilst taking care of your wellbeing.

Swap Cocktails for Mocktails

If you’re planning to enjoy some festive tipples this Christmas, keep a glass of water at hand to keep thoroughly hydrated. If you’re abstaining from alcohol altogether, why not embody the festive spirit with a healthy twist on some mocktails with iPRO. You could use Orange and Pineapple for a delicious non-alcoholic Orange Mojito or Berry Mix for a mocktail version of Berry Smash.

Boost Your Immune System

A healthy immune system comes from good nutrition, which depends on how you take care of your body. According to Mayo Clinic, drinking too much alcohol weakens the immune system, making it more prone to bacteria and viruses. Swapping alcohol for a vitamin-rich beverage such as iPRO Hydrate is an excellent way to aid your immune system throughout the festive period.

Avoid Drinking on an Empty Stomach

Line your stomach with a substantial meal before drinking as food slows the release of alcohol into the bloodstream. Aim for a starchy meal with lean protein and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. Drinking too much alcohol can pressure the kidneys, causing your potassium levels to drop. Avocados and bananas are good food sources of potassium. Likewise, consuming an electrolyte-rich drink such as iPRO Hydrate is an effective way to maintain healthy potassium levels.

Limit Alcohol Before Bedtime

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to your physical and mental health. It allows your body to heal itself and your brain to process events from the day. Furthermore, poor sleep is linked to physical problems such as a weakened immune system (source: Although alcohol is known to make you sleepy, it can actually interfere with the quality of your sleep. For a restful night’s sleep, limit the amount you drink in the few hours before bedtime.

Avoid Coffee the Morning After

Fatigue, weakness, and headache: classic hangover symptoms typically cured by a hot steaming cup of coffee…or not. Dehydration essentially causes a hangover and adding a diuretic drink such as coffee to the mix is ill-advised. Moreover, coffee can aggravate hangover headaches. This is because the caffeine narrows blood vessels surrounding the brain, consequently increasing blood pressure (source: Instead, get an ice-cold bottle of iPRO Hydrate out the fridge to fight off your hangover. It will quickly rehydrate your body by elevating your blood glucose and sodium levels, helping the muscle cells to effectively absorb fluids.

Gear up for Christmas and New Year’s Eve with a 24-bottle case of iPRO Sport Edition, the isotonic version with the same healthy hydrating benefits. Explore different flavours to suit everybody’s taste at iPRO.Direct.